

TEXA presents a new offer for CAR repair specialists. A great deal of technical and maintenance information, wiring diagrams, illustrations, repair times, solved problems: everything is always up to date and integrated in the IDC5 software. Immediate access to guided repair procedures is also available.

The world of diagnostics is constantly evolving, due to the need to respond promptly to the many technological innovations introduced on board the vehicles by manufacturers. For vehicle repairers, this scenario results in an ever-increasing complexity and, consequently, in the need to rely on tools with a very wide diagnostic coverage, which can allow them to operate professionally on vehicles and best satisfy their customers‘ requests. With this in mind, TEXA has decided to enrich TEXPACK CAR, the annual contract that allows receiving all the updates dedicated to cars, with new and interesting contents.

Besides the constant coverage update, now it is possible to access the information contained in the Tech module* by HaynesPro, such as technical and maintenance data, repair manuals, technical illustrations and drawings, repair times, estimator and recalls. A technologically advanced solution, which grants access to data that is rapidly updated as new vehicles are released.

Another innovation is the introduction of the TEX@INFO Guided Diagnosis** service, which provides a guided troubleshooting procedure integrated in the diagnostic software thanks to the Electronics module, which was also born from the collaboration with HaynesPro.

This procedure allows technicians to identify, locate and solve the problems in the electrical system and its components. Proceeding step by step, vehicle repairers can compare the components indicated in the guided procedures with the nominal values within which they must be in order to operate properly.

Along with the repair operations, wiring diagrams are also available, with a clear location and identification of fuses, relays and electrical devices, as well as the possibility to view practical procedures, such as how to disconnect and reconnect the battery or how to operate on hybrid and electric vehicles.
The TEX@INFO Guided Diagnosis service also includes the Smart module, which provides many solved problems and technical service bulletins by OEMs arranged by symptom, cause and solution.

The new technical contents are perfectly integrated in the IDC5 diagnostic software by TEXA and can be reached from the main menu via “Technical Data and Checks”, from the TGS3s vehicle scan if there are any DTCs, or from the diagnostic system via a direct link. Full integration with TEXA’s diagnostics allows users to benefit from an even more practical, quick and intuitive solution, with all the information always at hand when needed.

* available for TEXPACK CAR contract subscribers with Plus or Premium license.
** reserved for customers with TEXPACK CAR active.



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